How to get rid of the Download File warning...



I am tuning IE 6 to work in a Citrix environment.

Our web appliation allows the user to view a file in its native format...
For eg: if its a word doc it will let it view it in Word.
The issue is when the user clicks on the file, IE will have a little yellow
bar under the toolbar which says..

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer blocked this site from
downloading files to your computer. Click here for options...."

When I click on this yellow bar I get these options:

Download File
Whats the Risk?
Information Bar Help

If I clcik Download File it will give me a window where it asks me to Open,
save, Cancel and also an option to "Always ask before opening this type of

I dont want the users to get this...
I would liek it tobe that when they click on the file it automatically
spawns Word or Excel or whatver the case may be and not give them these
additional steps...

How do I accomplish this?

thanks for any help....

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