Purpose : Its for profile (resume) of the viewers- in all 14 slides
The ppt files can remain in the server or can be sent to the designated
person by email.
Since we need to figure out how it can be done technically, other things
depend on how it done in the first place.
Since you can't determine how it's done until you determine what "it" is in the
first place, I'd still suggest that you define your needs a bit better.
For example, given a web site running on IIS, it'd be fairly simple to convert
form input into a text file that looks like:
Firstname Lastname
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
AnotherFirstname AnotherLastname
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
[tab]some data
and so on.
That, saved a as text file, would open directly into PPT as a series of slides,
each with a name as the title and the other data as bullet points.
In fact, if you give it a PPT extension, when somebody doubleclicks it, it opens
in PPT (using the default/blank template).
More complex needs call for more complex solutions, obviously.
Urgent requirement
We need to create a form online that once filled is generated as a MS
PowerPoint (.ppt) file, any suggestions or leads will be highly appreciated.
It will probably help if you supply a much more detailed description of what
you need. You have a pretty good idea of what you need in your mind but the
details aren't obvious to "outsiders" <g>
What data will the form collect?
How and where will it appear in the PPT file?
What happens to the PPT file once it's created?
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP