Hi, Jeremy.
Is it possible to disable line wrap in "Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000"
(which appears to be your news reader--what *is* that, anyway?)?
This highly-misleading name means the "Web-based interface", also referred
to as Microsoft Communities and a few other names. In other words, it's not
a "newsreader" like Mozilla or Agent or Outlook Express. To see it for
yourself, click here:
Welcome to Microsoft Discussion Groups
and wend your way back to this Newsgroup...er...Discussion Group. Or click
here for the Express Route:
Discussions in Windows 2000 File Systems & Svcs
All that should bring you right back here, but using that Web-based
Interface. If you then post a message using that interface, it will show up
here, just like if you used Mozilla or OE. Then access your message from
OE and click Ctrl+F3 (I don't know how to do this in Mozilla), and you will
see that you posted using "Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000". I heard once
what CDO stands for, but it was such a non-sequitur that I simply can't
remember it. And it has nothing to do with Win2K; that label applies
whether the message was posted with Win9x/ME or Win2K/XP or even a non-MS
program, such as Mozilla.
Most experienced users of newsgroups (including myself) detest the
"Web-based interface" and refuse to use it. But Newbies, especially those
who just want to get their one immediate question answered or problem
solved, find it much easier than first learning and then using a newsreader.
Also, many employees cannot use newsreaders from their corporate computers,
but can access the Communities using their Internet browsers. MANY more
posters use the Web interface than newsreaders, so don't expect it to
disappear. Improvements are planned, and some have already been
implemented. More improvements are definitely needed, in my opinion!
You can try MS Communities and decide for yourself.
And, Austin, if you would like to try the newsreader interface, you can
click here (if you are running Windows and are not blocked by something like
a corporate firewall):
That should start Outlook Express, create an Account for the Microsoft
public news server, subscribe you to this newsgroup, download the 300 latest
messages, and let you start reading them. If you like what you see, you can
customize OE to suit yourself.