How To Get More Graphics Performance From The Intel NUC


Mar 25, 2003
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Legit Reviews have published an article today looking at how users of the Intel NUC can maximise the graphics performance, here's a snippet:

"One of our favorite Intel platforms right now would be the Intel NUC Kit D54250WYKH (supports 2.5″ drives ) and Intel NUC Kit D54250WYK (no 2.5″ drive support). These tiny platforms really make you rethink what form factor a desktop should be and pack a pretty powerful punch thanks to the 4th Generation Intel Core i5-4250U processor and Intel HD 5000 graphics that powers the little system. We recently ran across a BIOS setting that allows you to unlock the graphics performance of this platform and just had to share it in the off chance you own this model or were looking into picking one up to try. It isn’t every day that you find a BIOS setting that allows you to boost performance by over 30% and it got us excited.

Just to be clear, this modification only works on the new Intel Core i5 powered models as the lower cost Core i3 version does not have this capability."

Read the full article here.
I really want to get the DN2820FYK, but it looks like it has problems playing DTS-HD content at the moment - so that's putting me off :(. I hope Intel get this fixed too, as it should be able to play it no problem.
I've been saving for the Popcorn Hour A410 Ian

I have a A100 already, fabulous machines

Of course its only a media tank. It doesn't have the punch these do

It plays everything I give it though
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