How to get linked file from worksheet to = "blank"



Hi people of the superior power of excel,

I have 2 worksheets Apple and Orange.

Field A1 in Apple worksheet contains no information "blank" nothings

I want to copy the information in A1 Apple to A2 Orange.

I assumed Field A2 Orange = Apple!A1.
but the field shows the value 0. I changed the properties to text but
it still shows 0.

What is the correct formula to ensure field A2 Orange = "blank"?


=IF(ISBLANK(Apple!A1), "", Apple!A1)

It'll return the value of Apple!A1 if a non-blank value exists, but return
blank is Apple!A1 is blank.


If you have a formula which returns a blank on that first sheet, then
you will need to do it this way:


Copy across and down as required.

Hope this helps.


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