How to get into Win XP Safe Mode?



I have tried to get into Safe Mode by restating the machine, and pressing F8, however I get a "Select First Boot Device" screen which gives options of "Floppy", "IDE-0", and "CDROM". The Knowledge Base appears to say that I should see the "Windows Advanced Options" menu, so where is that, and what am I supposed to do to get to it??


/GPH/ said:
I have tried to get into Safe Mode by restating the machine, and pressing F8, however I get a "Select First Boot Device" screen which gives options of "Floppy", "IDE-0", and "CDROM". The Knowledge Base appears to say that I should see the "Windows Advanced Options" menu, so where is that, and what am I supposed to do to get to it??

Another method:

Click START|RUN and type...

msconfig <enter>

Click the BOOT.INI tab and check the SafeBoot box.


When done with Safe Mode, UNcheck the box, and reboot.

Damn Those Snipers

I have a problem in that I have XP Home. When I try to get into safe mode, I
get the message that says I have Xp professional. Various utilities confirm
I have Home edition. I just looked at the boot.ini tab and it says under
operating systems have Professional.

How can that be? how do I change it? As it is I cant get into safe mode.

Many Thanks

dev said:
/GPH/ said:
pressing F8, however I get a "Select First Boot Device" screen which gives
options of "Floppy", "IDE-0", and "CDROM". The Knowledge Base appears to
say that I should see the "Windows Advanced Options" menu, so where is that,
and what am I supposed to do to get to it??

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