Begin by reading Help to learn about the FREQUENCY function. Getting
familiar with the term 'bin' is important. Suppose you a teacher and want to
analyse some grades. You might make a column of values 10, 20, 30,... 100 or
you might use 5,10,15...95,100. In either case this is your bin
FREQUENCY is an array function so you must select all the cells which are to
hold the results, type the formula, and finish with SHIFT+CTRL+ENTER (not
just ENTER)
OK now we have a bin with some values by the side: something like
Range Count
10 4
20 6
30 7
Make a column chart of this. Find how to format the columns so there is no
gap between them (this seems to be traditional with histograms)
DO NOT try to use the Histogram tool in Analysis ToolPac. You will learn
less about Excel and also the result is not dynamic (if you correct some raw
data the histogram has to be remade)
Best wishes - we are here to answer further questions