How to get higher resolution than 1024*768 on ATI Radeon card ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter pascal
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Hello experts !

I have a question related of my laptop COMPAQ presario 2141EA just
bought on June.

I wish to change the definition of my card ATI Radeon IGP 320M, to
move it from 1024*768 to 1600*1200 or even less.

Apparently there is a limitation due to the config I bought, it is
noted in the technical description (next time I will take more time to
read it !!!). They say 1024*768 is maximum resolution for this amount
of memory !

This amount is 64MO taken on the general RAM of the machine. With the
bios, I updated the size of memory for the card (64M --> 128M) but the
result is the same when I try to increase the resolution (on Windows
XP, desktop -> right click -> Property -> etc ...), the window become
larger then the monitor with the same resolution ...

It seems incredible to me that there is such limitation in 2003 (and
with a laptop THT 15' monitor !).

I think it should be possible. Is someone aware about this ?

Best regards from France
Your max resolution has nothing to do with the Radeon. That is determined
by your laptop's LCD which normally a 15" laptop's max display res is

Hi Pascal.

Unlike a CRT monitor, a LCD monitor can only show certain resolutions,
because it is built up from an array of relatively large led lights. The
maximum resolution of a TFT is hard wired to the maximum number of LEDs
along the screen length and width (the maximum resolution of a CRT is
limited by the screen phosper dot pitch and/or the maximum frequency of
video signal it can synchronize to, both of which are *much* higher on the
typical 19 inch CRT you would get for the same price as a 15/17 inch TFT ).

so the problem is your screen; that's the maximum size screen it can show
(and it is a normal size for a laptop).

Totally unrelated to the original post I know, but an LCD is not made up of
LEDs. The reason for not being able to use different resolutions is still
the same - an LCD is made of an array of cells containing liquid crystals,
which can either block light from a backlight or allow it to pass through.

FWIW the new Organic LED screens (OLEDs) will be / are using arrays of LEDs.
There are technologies for both LCD and OLED which are beginning to allow
much higher resolutions. For instance, you can buy a 22" LCD screen with a
resolution of 3800x2400 or something similar. With a 0.125mm dot pitch,
that is much higher than CRTs. Unfortunately the price tags on these type
of screens are far too high at the moment. Also before these could become
mass-market something needs to be done about the 165 MHz bandwidth of the
DVI interface. Considering graphics cards often have 400 MHz VGA bandwidth,
I don't imagine it is too big a job to improve the DVI spec. Of course
since LCDs do not require 85-100 Hz refresh rates, there are lower bandwidth
requirements at the same resolution.