I've got 2 API from MVP's web site
(http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0029.htm).The API
"apiEnumDisplaySettings" enums all available settings.Adding this code
snippet to the functin fEnumDisplay():
Debug.Print .dmPelsWidth & "x" & _
.dmPelsHeight & " @ " & .dmBitsPerPel & " bit", _
lngMode & vbNullString
we can find all this settings.
But what is still vague is which resolutin is currently set in the users
system.Do anyone knows how to know this?
Thank you for your help.
I've got 2 API from MVP's web site
(http://www.mvps.org/access/api/api0029.htm).The API
"apiEnumDisplaySettings" enums all available settings.Adding this code
snippet to the functin fEnumDisplay():
Debug.Print .dmPelsWidth & "x" & _
.dmPelsHeight & " @ " & .dmBitsPerPel & " bit", _
lngMode & vbNullString
we can find all this settings.
But what is still vague is which resolutin is currently set in the users
system.Do anyone knows how to know this?
Thank you for your help.