Aamir said:
Can I get the column's description in my code, for each columns in
the table. 'Column description' is set at the table design time.
SELECT sysobjects.Name AS ObjectName,
sysobjects.xtype AS ObjectType,
user_name(sysobjects.uid) AS SchemaOwner,
sysproperties.name AS PropertyName,
sysproperties.value AS PropertyValue,
syscolumns.name AS ColumnName,
syscolumns.colid AS Ordinal
FROM sysobjects INNER JOIN sysproperties
ON sysobjects.id = sysproperties.id
LEFT JOIN syscolumns
ON sysproperties.smallid = syscolumns.colid
AND sysproperties.id = syscolumns.id
ORDER BY SchemaOwner, ObjectName, ObjectType, Ordinal
SELECT o.Name AS ObjectName,
o.type AS ObjectType,
s.name AS SchemaOwner,
ep.name AS PropertyName,
ep.value AS PropertyValue,
c.name AS ColumnName,
c.colid AS Ordinal
FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.extended_properties ep
ON o.object_id = ep.major_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s
ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id
LEFT JOIN syscolumns c
ON ep.minor_id = c.colid
AND ep.major_id = c.id
WHERE o.type IN ('V', 'U', 'P')
ORDER BY SchemaOwner,ObjectName, ObjectType, Ordinal
Then, check the ObjectType for each row: U is table, V is view and P
is proc (yeah, you start to wonder why table isn't T but thats
). Then, you traverse the Column names which represent
table fields, view fields or proc parameters and grab the PropertyValue
value of the row for the description
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