Kruno Milicevic
How to fill DataSet with ALL tables from database without naming each of
them in sqlString for myOleDbCommand.Commandtext...
Is there some simple sql expresion like this:
string selectString="SELECT someColumns FROM AllTablesFromMyDataBase"
Or must i try to find solution written with c#-code (something with DataSet
and similar)?
P.S: Im asking this because i use database with lot of tables and I would
not write all tables in sqlString expresion...there are too many of them : (
Please, make my life simple...
them in sqlString for myOleDbCommand.Commandtext...
Is there some simple sql expresion like this:
string selectString="SELECT someColumns FROM AllTablesFromMyDataBase"
Or must i try to find solution written with c#-code (something with DataSet
and similar)?
P.S: Im asking this because i use database with lot of tables and I would
not write all tables in sqlString expresion...there are too many of them : (
Please, make my life simple...