I assume you selected the web page with the print screen button. So if you
paste it into Powerpoint, use the menu "Edit" and choose paste special, then
select picture or bitmap. Once the picture is on the slide resize it, there
should be little handles in the middle and in the corners of the picture.
When you put your mouse over them a double arrow will appear. Press the ctrl
button and drag till the picture is the size you want. Now if you don't see
the little handles try reducing the zoom percentage to 33% of 25 % (top
right corner on the format bar). Or better still ctrl drag with the
wheelbutton on your mouse if you have one.
If that doesn't do it holler back and we will try to help some more.
clueless said:
I dont know how to get a web page that i want into my powerpoint
presentation, and ive alraedy tried cut and paste and it wont fit