How to generate links to pictures



I need to link pictures together.
I have linked them as can be seen on this TEST:

My problem is that the links are fixed, they are to the first cell in the
page where the picture resides.
If I add pages of information or more pictures, then I have to reset all the
Is it possible to use relative address to the pictures or better yet make
the link to a "label" on the picture? Or the picture name? So if I move the
picture the link is still valid.

I tried to solve this in another way. Placing pictures on another "sheet",
and I can link to a cell next to the picture on that sheet, BUT when I
convert the xls file to pdf the other sheets are invisible to the pdf
generator. But that might be a PDF problem.

Another solution that I am looking at is the generation of a text block as
in the red rectangle for example with the "Focal Plane Mechanisms" inside
that when clicked sends the user to a detail picture of that area. I created
that link within the PDF file, for ilustration purposes of what I am trying
to acomplish. And this solution is not acceptable since every time I update
the xls file and create a new pdf, all the links in the pdf side would have
be re-created.

Thanks in advance,



Here is an idea to play with:

rather than inserting the picture on a worksheet location, insert the
picture in a cell comment. That way the picture will be associated with a
specific cell.

Then set the hyperlink to point to that specific cell.

For inserting pictures:

to hyperlink to a cell:


this will link to Sheet3 cell Z100 and will adjust if rows/columns are

Erich Koch

Thanks, I'll give that a try.
Do you know why the PDF creation did not see the other sheets?


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