I bought a new Acer computer with Vista.
After trying a week it still tells me that I do not have acces to
I need to access the application data folder in my personal folder.
I have been trying it for a long time but everytime Vista tells me that it
I am the only user with administrators rights, no password anyehere.
This is my last chance otherwise I think to go back to XP.
I hope someone out there can help me.
Have a nice weekend
You only saw those folders because you elected to show hidden files/folders
and display protected Operating system files and folders. They are hidden
for a reason. You don't need access to them. They hold no data. All they
contain is a pointer to the actual folder where the data is kept. They are
actually a junction point.
Certain folders used in XP, such as these, were brought into Vista for
compatibility for legacy apps. They are not used to store data. They appear
dimmed with the shortcut arrow and give access denied. If you want to see
what folder it points to, open a elevated command prompt, navigate to the
folder that contains the folder in question and give the command:
dir /al
Junction points are designated by <Junction> and the folder to which it
points is at the end of the line in square brackets. Do not change the
permissions on these junction points. It can cause problems for the same
legacy apps they are they for in the first place.
From a post by Jimmy Brush here is a list of the these XP folders and their
corresponding locations in Vista:
Windows XP Location Windows Vista Location
\Documents and Settings \Users
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents \Users\$USER$\Documents
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Music \Users\$USER$\Music
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Pictures
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\My Documents\My Videos \Users\$USER$\Videos
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Cookies
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\NetHood
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\PrintHood
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Recent
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\SendTo
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Start Menu
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Templates
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Application Data
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\History
\Documents and Settings\$USER$\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
\Users\$USER$\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
\Documents and Settings\All Users \ProgramData
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data \ProgramData
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop \Users\Public\Desktop
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents \Users\Public\Documents
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Favorites \Users\Public\Favorites
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Templates
\Documents and Settings\Default User \Users\Default "