How to force upper case in a DataGridView column?

  • Thread starter Thread starter bob
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Now this ought to be a simple matter. But nothing's simple in the Net
world, I'm finding.

In vb6 you could use "!" to force text to upper case in the format
function. I've searched the help system and can't find any help
on formatting text. There's plenty of help formatting numbers, dates,
and times, though.

I'm in the phase of converting from 6 to Net and it seems that even the
simplest thing is very, very complicated. And it doesn't help that the
Net help stuff never gives you a simple example of anything. Even a
simple thing like this is either wrapped in a series of complicated
lines of "help" code for something else, or just doesn't exist at all.
I think in this case, there may be no help at all.

To format a DataGridView column, I think you're supposed to first set a
cell style, then apply that cell style to the column's CellTemplate
property. The cell style has a format property, which I think takes the
same type of formatting strings as the Format function. But, as I said,
I can't find out what formatting string(s) to use to force upper or
lower case in either the property or the format

Please, if you know the answer to this simple question, let me know.
You could also set the column to upper in your sql query :-) then you only
need to type UPPER(mycolumn)

Hope this helps

Here is something I am currently doing when editing a cell in a datagridview.
In the CellValueChanged Event I do this:

Private Sub DatagridView1_CellValueChanged(...)Handles...
Dim s As String =
dgrModSubDetail.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(e.ColumnIndex).Value = s
End Sub

The text goes to uppercase when you leave the cell.

Great idea! Will that also affect new entries I make in a sell after
filling the grid? Also, there MUST be a "format specifier" to format
text to upper case -- do you know what it is? (I might need to use the
Format method somewhere else one day)

Hi, I don't know anything about the datagridview because I'm still working
with vs 2003

But I think you need to do the toUpper yourself for new entries, but I'm not
100% sure

Greetz Peter

I haven't tried your code yet (that's next, if the following doesn't
work), but can you tell me what THIS doesn't work:

Private Sub grd_CellLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles grd.CellLeave
Dim col As New DataGridViewColumn, cell As New
col = grd.Columns(e.ColumnIndex)
If col.Name = "Case" Then
cell = grd.CurrentCell
If Not IsDBNull(cell.Value) Then
cell.Value = UCase(cell.Value)
End If
End If
End Sub

After this runs, the value of the cell in the "Case" column remains
lower case!
