Evgeny Zoldin
I would like to force ListBox control to redraw list item specified by e.g.
index. How to do that?
P.S. Problem arised from the following ListBox specific:
Lets item 1 is selected. Man clicks left mouse button on the item 2. The
following sequence takes place:
DrawItem for item 1 and state of item 1 is Selected
DrawItem for item 1 and state of item 1 is NOT Selected
DrawItem for item 2 and state of item 1 is Selected, NOT Focused
DrawItem for item 2 and state of item 1 is Selected and Focused
Handle for MouseDown event with mouse coordinates in the item 2 and
CType(sender, ListBox.SelectedItems(0) = index of the item 1
But I need to force redraw the item 1 after or in handling MouseDown. How to
do it?
I would like to force ListBox control to redraw list item specified by e.g.
index. How to do that?
P.S. Problem arised from the following ListBox specific:
Lets item 1 is selected. Man clicks left mouse button on the item 2. The
following sequence takes place:
DrawItem for item 1 and state of item 1 is Selected
DrawItem for item 1 and state of item 1 is NOT Selected
DrawItem for item 2 and state of item 1 is Selected, NOT Focused
DrawItem for item 2 and state of item 1 is Selected and Focused
Handle for MouseDown event with mouse coordinates in the item 2 and
CType(sender, ListBox.SelectedItems(0) = index of the item 1
But I need to force redraw the item 1 after or in handling MouseDown. How to
do it?