Thanks guys,
I think I will just leave well enough alone for now and see if card runs
stable for a few months at 380x340. If it does I may flash the bios at a
later date.
Like just before I am ready for the next video card upgrade. That way if I
fry it it won't be so painful.
Here's the link with info on how you flash a non pro to a pro.
Now, you have to be careful that your non pro can actually run like a pro.
Thus I would recommend that you run your non pro at pro speeds for a few
weeks, or even a month, to make sure that it will be stable. My non pro had
Samsung ram and the word on the street was that it would overclock well, and
it did. I could easily run it faster than pro speeds. I only flashed the
bios after running at pro speeds for a few weeks, and thoroughly testing it
to ensure stability. You have Infineon ram and the word is that it does not
overclock as well. But your experience may be different. Good luck.
Having said all that, the 9800 non pro is a damn fine card and if you don't
have the money to replace it, why bother overclocking it or flashing the
I leave you conflicted.
I have read several posts on bios flashing but I am not sure exactly how to
do it. My card is a Sapphire 9800 non pro with 128 megs of Infineon ram. I
can currently overclock from stock 324x290, to pro speeds of 380x340 and all
runs stable with 3.9 Cat drivers. By bios flashing, would I be able to clock
the card even higher? I would like to flash the bios but I am uncertain of
the risk/reward ratio. How many of you non pro owners have flashed and are
happy with the results. Can I get detailed instructions how to do it?