Yes I do have the code under the detail section where the subreprorts are.
On all of the subreports I have data coming in like this:
=Switch([PHQ_01]=0,"Not at all",[PHQ_01]=1,"Several days",[PHQ_01]=2,"More
than half of the days",[PHQ_01]=3,"Nearly every day")
Could this affect the problem?
Also here is what I have for the code under the detail section:
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Me.Adherence_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Adherence_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.Alcohol_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Alcohol_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.Concerns_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Concerns_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.CoreMania_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.CoreMania_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.CoreSuicide_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.CoreSuicide_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.Drug_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Drug_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.ManiaSet_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.ManiaSet_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.PHQ_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.PHQ_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.Psychosis_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Psychosis_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.SF_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.SF_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.Smoking_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.Smoking_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.SubstanceSet_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.SubstanceSet_Pull.Report.HasData
Me.SuicideSet_Pull.Report.Visible = Me.SuicideSet_Pull.Report.HasData
End Sub
pokdbz said:
I have a report with multiple subreports on them. All in all its about 3
pages. Some of the sub reports are blank sometimes because there is no
these are at the end of the main report. So even if they are blank it
creates a blank end page.
The question that I had is, is there a way to have the last page not show
if there is no data in the subreports.