hi Kostas,
Kostas said:
I have a table with 5 fields that users entering dates. My question is how
can i display in another field (in the form) the latest of all? All 6 fields
are in the same table.
This sounds like a wrong table layout. Imho you should use something like
ID, DateType, DateValue
Here you could use a simple
SELECT Max(DateValue)
FROM table
otherwise you need a query using a function like:
Public Function MaximumDate(ParamArray AValues()) As Date
Dim Count As Long
Dim LowerBound As Long
Dim UpperBound As Long
Dim MaxDate As Date
LowerBound = LBound(AValues())
UpperBound = UBound(AValues())
MaxDate = AValues(LowerBound)
For Count = LowerBound + 1 To UpperBound
If Nz(AValues(Count), MaxDate) > MaxDate Then
MaxDate = AValues(Count)
End If
MaximumDate = MaxDate
End Function
SELECT MaximumDate(field1, field2, field3)
FROM table
Just google for "access vba min max paramarry".
--> stefan <--