Charles Law
Sorry for posting this here, but although I have posted to the Infragistics
group, it is not so frequently used, and I fear a long wait for a response.
There are undoubtedly Infragistics users here, so hopefully someone can
offer a pointer or two.
I want to position a balloon tip (of my own making) above a panel in an
UltraWinStatusBar. Can anyone tell me how I can find the position of a panel
in the status bar?
I have tried working my way through each panel object, adding up the
respective widths, but the width value is not accurate. In my scenario I
have a panel that 'springs', and one that is fixed. The width of the spring
panel never returns the correct value. [This technique works on a Windows
Forms status bar control]
Does anyone have any suggestions?
group, it is not so frequently used, and I fear a long wait for a response.
There are undoubtedly Infragistics users here, so hopefully someone can
offer a pointer or two.
I want to position a balloon tip (of my own making) above a panel in an
UltraWinStatusBar. Can anyone tell me how I can find the position of a panel
in the status bar?
I have tried working my way through each panel object, adding up the
respective widths, but the width value is not accurate. In my scenario I
have a panel that 'springs', and one that is fixed. The width of the spring
panel never returns the correct value. [This technique works on a Windows
Forms status bar control]
Does anyone have any suggestions?