Microsoft News
XP Pro SP3
ProcessExplorer is showing that some process under the
System entry is creating dozens of handles each second and
is apparently not freeing them. After an hour or so, there
are 200,000+ handles.
In the Handle View, I see that the vast (vast!) majority
listed show
Key HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Control\DeviceClasses
My guess is that this is telling me that a device driver is
the culprit. How can I track it down?
ProcessExplorer is showing that some process under the
System entry is creating dozens of handles each second and
is apparently not freeing them. After an hour or so, there
are 200,000+ handles.
In the Handle View, I see that the vast (vast!) majority
listed show
Key HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Control\DeviceClasses
My guess is that this is telling me that a device driver is
the culprit. How can I track it down?