How to find record programmatically !!!

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Hello everybody

Could somebody tell me how to find record in table programmatically
I want to search for the record which has the specific IDKEY typed in the textbox and if found, go to that record. How can I do that

Best regards

if you already have a form showing ALL records - you can use the
commandbutton wizard to build this for you - on a blank form in design view
add either a combo box (if you want the users to choose the ID key from a
drop down list - use the combo box wizard to create and populate it for you)
or a text box .. if you want them to type it in and then add a command
choose - Form Operations / Open Form ... when it asks you if it should
display all records or only some - choose some & then match up the IDKEY
field on this new form with its partner on the form which currently displays
all records ... then finish off the wizard.

Now when you open up this new form & type an id or choose it from the drop
down & press the command button - the other form will automatically open up
showing you the associated record.

PS there are many other ways to achieve a similar outcome - if this isn't
exactly what you want please post back with more details.

Hope this helps

NguyenTheMy said:
Hello everybody,

Could somebody tell me how to find record in table programmatically.
I want to search for the record which has the specific IDKEY typed in the
textbox and if found, go to that record. How can I do that ?