How to find out how many fields from a specific list of fields are empty

  • Thread starter Thread starter DawnTreader
  • Start date Start date



i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.

i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.

thanks in advance.
It happens that DawnTreader formulated :

i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.

i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.

thanks in advance.

This is Easy - Peasy. Hint! Nulls Propagate! So...

SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null

Show all of the Rows that are missing data in one or more columns.

Note I am using the + not the &.

It happens that DawnTreader formulated :
i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.
i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.
thanks in advance.

This is Easy - Peasy.  Hint!  Nulls Propagate!  So...

SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null

Show all of the Rows that are missing data in one or more columns.

Note I am using the + not the &.



if, as you say, nulls propagate then if only one field is null your
missingfields will turn null. i need to know how many are null.
something akin to count if null. or count if not null. i want to know
how much out of a 100% a record is complete or missing. your
suggestion gives me an idea, but i need something more.

thanks for the reply. will post what i come up with.
if, as you say, nulls propagate then if only one field is null your
missingfields will turn null. i need to know how many are null.
something akin to count if null. or count if not null. i want to know
how much out of a 100% a record is complete or missing. your
suggestion gives me an idea, but i need something more.

Since TRUE is represented by -1 and FALSE by 0, you could use

NumberNull: -(IsNull([FieldA]) + IsNull([FieldB]) + IsNull([FieldC] + ...)


John W. Vinson [MVP]
Microsoft's replacements for these newsgroups:
and see also
DawnTreader formulated on Monday :
It happens that DawnTreader formulated :
i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.
i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.
thanks in advance.

This is Easy - Peasy.  Hint!  Nulls Propagate!  So...

SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null

Show all of the Rows that are missing data in one or more columns.

Note I am using the + not the &.



if, as you say, nulls propagate then if only one field is null your
missingfields will turn null. i need to know how many are null.
something akin to count if null. or count if not null. i want to know
how much out of a 100% a record is complete or missing. your
suggestion gives me an idea, but i need something more.

thanks for the reply. will post what i come up with.

How about:

Select * From YourTable Where
PrimaryID in( SELECT PrimaryID FROM YourTable Where
([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null)

Returns all of the Rows where at least one of the Columns was null

Ron said:
DawnTreader formulated on Monday :
It happens that DawnTreader formulated :


i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a
table to see if the fields are null or default data.
i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one
has a simple query solution to this.

thanks in advance.

This is Easy - Peasy. Hint! Nulls Propagate! So...

SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null

Good but, as the OP says, it doesn't really address the question.
Returns all of the Rows where at least one of the Columns was null

:chuckle: What is the difference between these two statements? Your secod
solution answers the same incorrect question that your first solution did.

See the subject. Read it. Carefully. What does the OP want to count? :-)
DawnTreader formulated on Monday :

It happens that DawnTreader formulated :
i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.
i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.
thanks in advance.
This is Easy - Peasy.  Hint!  Nulls Propagate!  So...
SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null
Show all of the Rows that are missing data in one or more columns.
Note I am using the + not the &.

if, as you say, nulls propagate then if only one field is null your
missingfields will turn null. i need to know how many are null.
something akin to count if null. or count if not null. i want to know
how much out of a 100% a record is complete or missing. your
suggestion gives me an idea, but i need something more.
thanks for the reply. will post what i come up with.

How about:

Select * From YourTable Where
PrimaryID in( SELECT PrimaryID FROM YourTable Where
([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null)

Returns all of the Rows where at least one of the Columns was null

Rdub- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Here is what i am using on one table:

SELECT tblProductList.ProductID, tblProductList.ProductTypeID,
tblProductList.SerialNumber, IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS CO,
IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,0,1) AS DS, IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,
0,1) AS DC, IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS WM,
IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS WSM,
IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),1)
AS WH, IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS WO, IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),
1)+IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS
FROM tblProductList
WHERE (((tblProductList.DateDeleted) Is Null))
GROUP BY tblProductList.ProductID, tblProductList.ProductTypeID,
tblProductList.SerialNumber, IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1),
IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,0,1), IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1),
IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,0,1), IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1), IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,
0,1),1), IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1), IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),
1)+IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1)
ORDER BY tblProductList.SerialNumber;

but here is what i have going on another table:

SELECT subdatatblCompressor.CompressorID,
subdatatblCompressor.ProductID, subdatatblCompressor.ProductTypeID,
IIf([CBASubAssemblyPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CBASAPN,
IIf([CompressorPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CPN, IIf([CompressorTypeID]
Is Null,0,IIf([CompressorTypeID]=18,0,1)) AS CTID, IIf([BlockTypeID]
Is Null,0,IIf([BlockTypeID]=4,0,1)) AS BTID, IIf([CrankshaftTypeID] Is
Null,0,IIf([CrankshaftTypeID]=3,0,1)) AS CSTID,
IIf([InletGasTemp]>0,1,0) AS IGT, IIf([InletPressure]>0,1,0) AS IP,
IIf([FlowRate]>0,1,0) AS FR, IIf([DischargePressure]>0,1,0) AS DP,
IIf([DischargeTemp]>0,1,0) AS DT, IIf([LowSuctionAlarm]>0,1,0) AS LSA,
IIf([HighSuctionAlarm]>0,1,0) AS HSA, IIf([StartPressure]>0,1,0) AS
SP, IIf([StopPressure]>0,1,0) AS STPP, IIf([CoolingMethod] Is Null,
0,IIf([CoolingMethod]="Default",0,1)) AS CM,
IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FSC,
IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS SSC,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS TSC,
IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FthSC,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FFthSC,
IIf([PriorityPanelTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([PriorityPanelTypeID]=1,0,1))
AS PPTID, IIf([PLCTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([PLCTypeID]=5,0,1)) AS PLCTID,
IIf([ScreenTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([ScreenTypeID]=5,0,1)) AS STID,
IIf([BlockQty] Is Null,0,IIf([BlockQty]=0,0,1)) AS BQTY,
IIf([PLCPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS PLCPS,
IIf([MotorControlPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS MCCS,
IIf([PriorityControlPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS PCPS,
IIf([CoolerAssemblyPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CAPN,
IIf([CoolerAssemblySerial] Is Null,0,1) AS CAS,
IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([1stStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS FSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStagePSI] Is Null,
0,IIf([2ndStagePSI]=0,0,1)),0) AS SSPSI,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([3rdStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS TSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStagePSI] Is Null,
0,IIf([4thStagePSI]=0,0,1)),0) AS FthSPSI,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([5thStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS FFthSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([1stStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FST,
IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([2ndStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS SST,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([3rdStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS TST,
IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([4thStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FthST,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([5thStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FFthST, IIf([BlockRPM] Is Null,
0,IIf([BlockRPM]=0,0,1)) AS BRPM, IIf([DriveTypeID] Is Null,
0,IIf([DriveTypeID]=1,0,1)) AS DTID, IIf([GasEngineRPM] Is Null,
0,IIf([GasEngineRPM]=0,0,1)) AS GERPM, IIf([GasEngineSerialNumber] Is
Null,0,1) AS GESN, IIf([EngineArrangementNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS EAN,
IIf([GasEngineModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS GEMN,
IIf([EngineStarterLubeLevel] Is Null,0,1) AS ESLL, IIf([EngineOilPSI]
Is Null,0,IIf([EngineOilPSI]=0,0,1)) AS EOPSI,
IIf([EngineWaterJacketTempurature] Is Null,
0,IIf([EngineWaterJacketTempurature]=0,0,1)) AS EWJT,
IIf([EngineWaterJacketCoolant] Is Null,
0,IIf([EngineWaterJacketCoolant]=0,0,1)) AS EWJC,
IIf([GasEngineHorsePower] Is Null,0,IIf([GasEngineHorsePower]=0,0,1))
AS GEHP, IIf([ElectricRPM] Is Null,0,IIf([ElectricRPM]=0,0,1)) AS
ERPM, IIf([ElectricMotorSerialNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS EMSN,
IIf([ElectricMotorHorsePower] Is Null,0,1) AS EMHP,
subdatatblCompressor.Voltage, subdatatblCompressor.Hz,
subdatatblCompressor.CrankcaseStyleID, subdatatblCompressor.SealType,
subdatatblCompressor.OilHeater, subdatatblCompressor.TKNumber,
subdatatblCompressor.Stages, subdatatblCompressor.GasCoolingSystem,
FROM subdatatblCompressor;

and i havent finished yet. in the end i need one column that will
calculate the total as i did with the first example.

is there a way to use code to do this?
DawnTreader formulated on Monday :
It happens that DawnTreader formulated :
i have a few tables that i need to know the completeness of records
based on certain fields. i am wondering if there is a way to query
each of those tables easily based on a list of field names in a table
to see if the fields are null or default data.
i am thinking i will need some code, but i am wondering if any one has
a simple query solution to this.
thanks in advance.
This is Easy - Peasy.  Hint!  Nulls Propagate!  So...
SELECT PrimaryID, [Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3] AS MissingFields
FROM YourTable
Where ([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null
Show all of the Rows that are missing data in one or more columns.
Note I am using the + not the &.
if, as you say, nulls propagate then if only one field is null your
missingfields will turn null. i need to know how many are null.
something akin to count if null. or count if not null. i want to know
how much out of a 100% a record is complete or missing. your
suggestion gives me an idea, but i need something more.
thanks for the reply. will post what i come up with.
How about:
Select * From YourTable Where
PrimaryID in( SELECT PrimaryID FROM YourTable Where
([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]) is Null)
Returns all of the Rows where at least one of the Columns was null
Rdub- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Here is what i am using on one table:

SELECT tblProductList.ProductID, tblProductList.ProductTypeID,
tblProductList.SerialNumber, IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS CO,
IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,0,1) AS DS, IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,
0,1) AS DC, IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS WM,
IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS WSM,
IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),1)
AS WH, IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS WO, IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),
1)+IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS
FROM tblProductList
WHERE (((tblProductList.DateDeleted) Is Null))
GROUP BY tblProductList.ProductID, tblProductList.ProductTypeID,
tblProductList.SerialNumber, IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1),
IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,0,1), IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1),
IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,0,1), IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1), IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,
0,1),1), IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1), IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,
0,1)+IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),
1)+IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1)+IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1)
ORDER BY tblProductList.SerialNumber;

but here is what i have going on another table:

SELECT subdatatblCompressor.CompressorID,
subdatatblCompressor.ProductID, subdatatblCompressor.ProductTypeID,
IIf([CBASubAssemblyPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CBASAPN,
IIf([CompressorPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CPN, IIf([CompressorTypeID]
Is Null,0,IIf([CompressorTypeID]=18,0,1)) AS CTID, IIf([BlockTypeID]
Is Null,0,IIf([BlockTypeID]=4,0,1)) AS BTID, IIf([CrankshaftTypeID] Is
Null,0,IIf([CrankshaftTypeID]=3,0,1)) AS CSTID,
IIf([InletGasTemp]>0,1,0) AS IGT, IIf([InletPressure]>0,1,0) AS IP,
IIf([FlowRate]>0,1,0) AS FR, IIf([DischargePressure]>0,1,0) AS DP,
IIf([DischargeTemp]>0,1,0) AS DT, IIf([LowSuctionAlarm]>0,1,0) AS LSA,
IIf([HighSuctionAlarm]>0,1,0) AS HSA, IIf([StartPressure]>0,1,0) AS
SP, IIf([StopPressure]>0,1,0) AS STPP, IIf([CoolingMethod] Is Null,
0,IIf([CoolingMethod]="Default",0,1)) AS CM,
IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FSC,
IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS SSC,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS TSC,
IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FthSC,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStageConfig] Is Null,0,1),0) AS FFthSC,
IIf([PriorityPanelTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([PriorityPanelTypeID]=1,0,1))
AS PPTID, IIf([PLCTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([PLCTypeID]=5,0,1)) AS PLCTID,
IIf([ScreenTypeID] Is Null,0,IIf([ScreenTypeID]=5,0,1)) AS STID,
IIf([BlockQty] Is Null,0,IIf([BlockQty]=0,0,1)) AS BQTY,
IIf([PLCPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS PLCPS,
IIf([MotorControlPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS MCCS,
IIf([PriorityControlPanelSerial] Is Null,0,1) AS PCPS,
IIf([CoolerAssemblyPartNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS CAPN,
IIf([CoolerAssemblySerial] Is Null,0,1) AS CAS,
IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([1stStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS FSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStagePSI] Is Null,
0,IIf([2ndStagePSI]=0,0,1)),0) AS SSPSI,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([3rdStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS TSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStagePSI] Is Null,
0,IIf([4thStagePSI]=0,0,1)),0) AS FthSPSI,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStagePSI] Is Null,0,IIf([5thStagePSI]=0,0,1)),
0) AS FFthSPSI, IIf([Stages]>=1,IIf([1stStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([1stStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FST,
IIf([Stages]>=2,IIf([2ndStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([2ndStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS SST,
IIf([Stages]>=3,IIf([3rdStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([3rdStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS TST,
IIf([Stages]>=4,IIf([4thStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([4thStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FthST,
IIf([Stages]>=5,IIf([5thStageTemp] Is Null,
0,IIf([5thStageTemp]=0,0,1)),0) AS FFthST, IIf([BlockRPM] Is Null,
0,IIf([BlockRPM]=0,0,1)) AS BRPM, IIf([DriveTypeID] Is Null,
0,IIf([DriveTypeID]=1,0,1)) AS DTID, IIf([GasEngineRPM] Is Null,
0,IIf([GasEngineRPM]=0,0,1)) AS GERPM, IIf([GasEngineSerialNumber] Is
Null,0,1) AS GESN, IIf([EngineArrangementNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS EAN,
IIf([GasEngineModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS GEMN,
IIf([EngineStarterLubeLevel] Is Null,0,1) AS ESLL, IIf([EngineOilPSI]
Is Null,0,IIf([EngineOilPSI]=0,0,1)) AS EOPSI,
IIf([EngineWaterJacketTempurature] Is Null,
0,IIf([EngineWaterJacketTempurature]=0,0,1)) AS EWJT,
IIf([EngineWaterJacketCoolant] Is Null,
0,IIf([EngineWaterJacketCoolant]=0,0,1)) AS EWJC,
IIf([GasEngineHorsePower] Is Null,0,IIf([GasEngineHorsePower]=0,0,1))
AS GEHP, IIf([ElectricRPM] Is Null,0,IIf([ElectricRPM]=0,0,1)) AS
ERPM, IIf([ElectricMotorSerialNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS EMSN,
IIf([ElectricMotorHorsePower] Is Null,0,1) AS EMHP,
subdatatblCompressor.Voltage, subdatatblCompressor.Hz,
subdatatblCompressor.CrankcaseStyleID, subdatatblCompressor.SealType,
subdatatblCompressor.OilHeater, subdatatblCompressor.TKNumber,
subdatatblCompressor.Stages, subdatatblCompressor.GasCoolingSystem,
FROM subdatatblCompressor;

and i havent finished yet. in the end i need one column that will
calculate the total as i did with the first example.

is there a way to use code to do this?- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

is there no better way to do this? the amount of fields to count in
the one table subdatatblcompressor is horrendus and i am most
definitely going to have to put the above into another query to do the
final total otherwise i will end up in a situation where the field
will have more than 255 characters, or what ever the character limit

is there a way to do this in VBA code?
DawnTreader said:
is there no better way to do this? the amount of fields to count in
the one table subdatatblcompressor is horrendus and i am most
definitely going to have to put the above into another query to do the
final total otherwise i will end up in a situation where the field
will have more than 255 characters, or what ever the character limit

is there a way to do this in VBA code?

Sure. But before I get to possible VBA solutions, here's a sql solution that
has yet to be suggested:

Create a saved union query called, say, NullCounter, that puts all the
fields to be checked into a single column:

select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN,
iif(FieldToBeChecked1 is Null,1,0) as NullTest FROM tablename
union all
select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, iif(FieldToBeChecked2 is Null,1,0) FROM
union all
select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, iif(FieldToBeCheckedN is Null,1,0) FROM

Then a simple grouping query provides the answer:

select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, sum(NullTest) as NullCount from
group by keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN

Now for VBA solutions. You could use a Subroutine:
Open a recordset on the table and loop through the records and fields,
incrementing a counter variable each time a field containing Null is
encountered. If you added a field to the table ahead of time, just populate
it with the value of the counter variable before moving to the next record.
Or you could add a field to the tabledef before opening the recordset.

dim sql as string
sql="select <list of fields>, NullCount from tablename"
dim rs as dao.recordset,fld as dao.field, icnt as integer
set rs=currentdb.openrecordset(sql)
do until rs.eof
for each fld in rs.fields
if <> "NullCount" and fld.value is null then
icnt = icnt + 1
end if
next fld
rs("NullCount") = icnt

Alternatively, you could create a function to which you pass the values of
the fields to be checked as a parameter array. In the function, loop through
the array, incrementing the counter varialble:
function GetNullCount(ParamArray pFields() as Variant) as integer
dim i as integer, icnt as integer
icnt = 0
for i = lbound(pFields) to ubound(pFields)
if isnull(pFields(1)) then icnt=icnt+1
GetNullCount = icnt
end function

In the query, you would use the expression:
NullCount: GetNullCount([FieldToBeChecked1], ..., [FieldToBeCheckedN])
DawnTreader said:
is there no better way to do this? the amount of fields to count in
the one table subdatatblcompressor is horrendus and i am most
definitely going to have to put the above into another query to do the
final total otherwise i will end up in a situation where the field
will have more than 255 characters, or what ever the character limit
is there a way to do this in VBA code?

Sure. But before I get to possible VBA solutions, here's a sql solution that
has yet to be suggested:

Create a saved union query called, say, NullCounter,  that puts all the
fields to be checked into a single column:

select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN,
iif(FieldToBeChecked1 is Null,1,0) as NullTest FROM tablename
union all
select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, iif(FieldToBeChecked2 is Null,1,0) FROM
union all
select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, iif(FieldToBeCheckedN is Null,1,0) FROM

Then a simple grouping query provides the answer:

select keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN, sum(NullTest) as NullCount from
group by keyfield1, ..., keyfieldN

Now for VBA solutions. You could use a Subroutine:
Open a recordset on the table and loop through the records and fields,
incrementing a counter variable each time a field containing Null is
encountered. If you added a field to the table ahead of time, just populate
it with the value of the counter variable before moving to the next record.
Or you could add a field to the tabledef before opening the recordset.

dim sql as string
sql="select <list of fields>, NullCount from tablename"
dim rs as dao.recordset,fld as dao.field, icnt as integer
set  rs=currentdb.openrecordset(sql)
do until rs.eof
    for each fld in rs.fields
        if <> "NullCount"  and fld.value is null then
            icnt = icnt + 1
        end if
    next fld
    rs("NullCount") = icnt

Alternatively, you could create a function to which you pass the values of
the fields to be checked as a parameter array. In the function, loop through
the array, incrementing the counter varialble:
function GetNullCount(ParamArray pFields() as Variant) as integer
dim i as integer, icnt as integer
icnt = 0
for i = lbound(pFields) to ubound(pFields)
    if isnull(pFields(1)) then icnt=icnt+1
GetNullCount = icnt
end function

In the query, you would use the expression:
NullCount: GetNullCount([FieldToBeChecked1], ..., [FieldToBeCheckedN])

i hate to say it, usually i am pretty good at this stuff, but your
posted SQL didnt help.

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([DateShipped] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([DateCommissioned] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([WarrantyMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([WarrantyShippedMonths] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([ProductTypeID]="Compressor",IIf([WarrantyHours] Is Null,0,1),1)
AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([WorkOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList;

all i get is 1 record for each PID.
tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
IIf([ModelNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList;

all i get is 1 record for each PID.

You left out the "ALL" keyword:


Without the "ALL", the union query is eliminating duplicates. I see you've
changed the logic so it counts non-nulls instead of counting nulls.

If you wish to identify the fields in addition to counting them, you will
need to add a column to do allow that (which also eliminates the need for
the "ALL" keyword):

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
"SerialNumber" As Fieldname,
IIf([SerialNumber] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList

tblProductList.ProductID AS PID,
"CustomerOrder" As Fieldname,
IIf([CustomerOrder] Is Null,0,1) AS Complete
FROM tblProductList