Windows XP how to find all hardware drivers?

Dec 23, 2004
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Hi everybody,

I have reinstalled the windowXP of my desktop and I am not able to find the drivers of my sound card and graphic card.

I have used device manger to search it on internet but it couldn't find any.
Could anyone tell me how to find these drivers or what software can check all my drivers, please?

Thank you very much
Download "Everest Home Edition" & install ... it will tell you what cards you have and probably give you a link to their home site for divers.

If not, then at least you'll be able to tell us what they are ... ;)
If you know what make/model the hardware is, you can get the drivers from the developers page. E.g: If you have an Nvidia graphics card go to or if you have an Ati graphics card go to .

But if you dont know the make/model of your devices, do as mucks said, get everest home edtion (its free) and i will tell you all about the hardware you have :).
muckshifter said:
Download "Everest Home Edition" & install ... it will tell you what cards you have and probably give you a link to their home site for divers.

If not, then at least you'll be able to tell us what they are ... ;)

Thank you for everyone(especially muckshifter!)
I have installed "Everest Home Edition" and this program is amazing!!!
