How to Find a Table in Database Windows Based on Criteria

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I have: Tables suffixed by the year (e.g., tblCustomers2003,
tblCustomers2004, tblCustomers2005, ...)

I want: to get the name of the table with the latest year.

Application: Access 2003

Any suggestions?
Well the most obvious suggestion is to redesign your table structure so that
you don't need multiple tables with similar information.

In the meantime, you can use VBA to find the appropriate table. UNTESTED
AIR CODE follows
Assumption: Using DAO not ADO ( mdb or mde not an Access Project)

Public Function fLatestTable() As String
Dim dbAny As DAO.Database
Dim tDefAny As DAO.TableDef
Dim strReturn As String

Set dbAny = CurrentDb()

For Each tDefAny In dbAny.TableDefs
If UCase(tDefAny.Name) Like "TBLCUSTOMERS*" Then
If tDefAny.Name > strReturn Then
strReturn = tDefAny.Name
End If
End If
Next tDefAny
fLatestTable = strReturn
End Function

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County
DevDaniel said:
I have: Tables suffixed by the year (e.g., tblCustomers2003,
tblCustomers2004, tblCustomers2005, ...)

I want: to get the name of the table with the latest year.

Application: Access 2003

Any suggestions?

Dim tdf As Dao.TableDef
Dim Yr As Long, Highest As Long
Dim Result As String

For Each tdf In CurrentDb.TableDefs
Yr = Clng(Mid(tdf.Name, 13))
If Yr > Highest Then Highest = Yr

Result = "tblCustomers" & Highest
Fastest way:

=DMax("[Name]","MsysObjects","[Type] In (1,4,6) AND [Name] Like
Worked like a charm! Thanks Dave.

Klatuu said:
Fastest way:

=DMax("[Name]","MsysObjects","[Type] In (1,4,6) AND [Name] Like
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

DevDaniel said:
I have: Tables suffixed by the year (e.g., tblCustomers2003,
tblCustomers2004, tblCustomers2005, ...)

I want: to get the name of the table with the latest year.

Application: Access 2003

Any suggestions?