how to filter and count contacts with email but no address



Trying to get a list of contacts that I need to call to get their address.
How to do this in Outlook 2007. Also have Outlook 2003 on another PC. Is
process different for that version?

Would also like to find how to filter records with a value and without a
value. e.g. who has an address and who doesn't have an address.


Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

Trying to get a list of contacts that I need to call to get their address.
How to do this in Outlook 2007. Also have Outlook 2003 on another PC. Is
process different for that version?

Seems easy enough to me to determine this just by looking at the Address Card
view of Contacts. The address cards for those without mailing addresses won't
have the mailing addresses shown.
Would also like to find how to filter records with a value and without a
value. e.g. who has an address and who doesn't have an address.

Display the folder in a table view that contains the field that may or may not
contain a value and then group by that field. If no table view contains the
field you want, use Field Chooser to add it.


Thanks for your reply but I guess I did not make the need clear:

re: Contacts with e-mail but no address:
Just looking at the contacts doesn't help me create a filter for exporting
or mail e-merging. Purpose was to send e-mail message to folks I don't have
a mailing address and request it. I was trying to avoid 'looking' through
2,000 contacts to find these records. Is this something Outlook can do?

re: filter for records without a value (ie, empty field):
Same reason as above. I need to filter these to merge or export. Just being
able to scroll through and see records where that field is empty is not
helpful to the need to filter.


Yeah thought I might be stuck with that. Too bad you can't filter in place
in Outlook. You're method means I have to export every time we do that
mearge as the data base will change and number of records without addresses
will change as we update the database. Seems like a long way around (and
manually) to handle a database for updating and mining.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

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