How to Fill Typed DataSet

  • Thread starter Thread starter Axel Dahmen
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Axel Dahmen


this might be a stupid question...

I've created a typed DataSet containing two tables and a
ForeignKeyConstraint. Now I want to Fill that DataSet from database using a
SELECT command retrieving rows for both tables.

However, when I use SqlDataAdapter.Fill() none or only the first table are
filled with data (depending on the Fill() overload I'm using).

Examining the Dataset I noticed that the Fill() method adds new tables to
the DataSet. How can I force Fill() to use the tables which are already
within the DataSet?

Axel Dahmen


This is the code I'm using:

adp=new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Languages; SELECT * FROM
LanguagesCountries","user id=...;password=...;database=...");
_set=new TypedDataSet();
You have to add table mapping before filling in order
to overwrite default table names:

adp.TableMappings.Add("Table", your_first_table_name);
adp.TableMappings.Add("Table1", your_second_table_name);
adp.TableMappings.Add("Table2", your_third_table_name);

and so on.