How to execute a exe with Admin account from a console application ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gilles LAMBERT
  • Start date Start date



I need to automize installation of exe and files on different versions
of Windows (except 95) from a console application. It includes shortcut
creation for all users wich requires more privileges then those of the
current user. So, does any body know if it's possible to run a exe with
more privilege than those of the connected user form a console
application ?

Thanks and best regards
Hi Gilles,

I have to say that you may not be able to achieve this without enough
privileges. Without Administrator's permission, you can't create short cut
for other people with a normal account.

Anyway, if you already know a local administrator's account and passqord,
you may execute the problem from "RunAs" command (only one Windows 2000, XP
and 2003), for more information on this, you can type "runas /?" in DOS
command line window, or refer to this article:

HOW TO: Enable and Use the "Run As" Command When Running Programs in Windows;EN-US;Q294676

Hope this answer your question,

Microsoft Online Support

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Gilles LAMBERT said:
I need to automize installation of exe and files on different
versions of Windows (except 95)

Huh... .NET applications won't run on Windows 95.
from a console application. It includes shortcut
creation for all users wich requires more privileges then
those of the current user. So, does any body know if it's
possible to run a exe with more privilege than those
of the connected user form a console application ?

You may use the 'ImpersonateLoggedOnUser' Win32-API function through

VB6 sample (to be translated to VB.NET):