Anders strand-Holm
I find Event ID 1517 on a regular basis in the Application tab of the Event
Viewer. I know what application that causes this event, and that I can do
noting to correct it. The EventID 1517 is a warning, hardly a problem. I
wonder if there is a way to exclude the Event ID 1517 entries from the Event
Viewers Application tab. I am quite familiar with the registry editor - but I
don't know where and what to modify.
Any knowledge and help much appreciated.
Viewer. I know what application that causes this event, and that I can do
noting to correct it. The EventID 1517 is a warning, hardly a problem. I
wonder if there is a way to exclude the Event ID 1517 entries from the Event
Viewers Application tab. I am quite familiar with the registry editor - but I
don't know where and what to modify.
Any knowledge and help much appreciated.