Glad to be of help!
Larry Serflaten said:
Great answer Rob!
I especially liked reading these:
[snip cool whidbey toys]
There is just no way a 'hobbyist' can expect users far and wide to muck
around with CAS (configurations).
LOL, to be quite honest, I know a lot of *advanced programmers* that have a
hell of a time understanding the nuances of CAS!
No-touch is great as a concept, but there's tons of room for imporvement
from the tools side of things. I was really happy the VB team took a good
long look at this and developed all the neat Click-once stuff. There's
really no reason for this stuff to *have* to be complex, but it just had
very few tools to help you along until now.
I think for now, the better approach
may be to have them install a 'shell' that checks back with the site for
available 'modules', where the modules are themselves the WinForm
applications that won't run on medium or low trust.
That's precisely what we're doing right now, though I have other reasons
than CAS that brought me to this conculsion.
You might want to take a look at the MS Updater Application Block. If you go
this route, it should help you grok some of the issues.
With the shell running
in full trust, will it be able to launch full trust modules? Hopefully your
links will spell it out....
Depends how you launch it. Right now, the default client CAS system spells
out a few permission sets, and assigns these permission sets by zone or
assembly. The zones are just like IE zones - local zone, internet zone, etc.
Obviously, internet zone (which is detected by launching from an HTTP url),
gives you the least permissions. You can override the default zone
permissions and create your own, or you can give apps with a specific
identity special permissions on the client. IOW, on the client machine, you
can say "give full trust (or some special set of permissions) to all apps
that come from this URL", or "give full trust to all apps signed with this
key pair".
However, if you download all the bits and pieces from the network, but have
the shell subsequently launch the app from the local drive after the
download (instead of launching it from a URL), then the app will run with
local permissions (which by default is full trust).
I was surprised because, as I said, my app did nothing but manipulate its
own images, and respond to its own controls. It seems like the sandbox
is turning out to be not much bigger than a small potted plant!
Depends. There are a ton of permissions (well, i exaggerate, but there are
many). Using unamanged code or interop, or network calls could do it too.
But I don't really blame MS. When it comes to security, better to err on the
side of causion or risk a security disaster (and we all know MS is a big
target for that).
You're welcome,
-Rob Teixeira [MVP]