How to enter 2 email addresses for a contact



I would like my messages to go to both the wife and the husband, but my
outlook won't accept 2 email addresses in the contact form.


Not sure which version of Outlook you have. Maybe try inserting a colon
between the two e-mail addr?

Brian Tillman

anitaz said:
I would like my messages to go to both the wife and the husband, but
my outlook won't accept 2 email addresses in the contact form.

If you're creating a single contact item for both people, you should be able
to put one address in the "E-mail" field and the other in the "E-mail 2"
field. Then when you open your address book to add the contact to the To
list, you see both and can choose them both.


anitaz said:
I would like my messages to go to both the wife and the husband, but my
outlook won't accept 2 email addresses in the contact form.
When you are in the properties sheet of the contact click on the left
arrow by the email field, enter one address under email and the other
under email 2 and when you send a message you will get the list up of
who to send to. Just double click both addresses. Hope this helps



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