How to ensure function does not refer to cells outside of workbook?

  • Thread starter Thread starter richardbok
  • Start date Start date


I have written a function that searches for the lowest value in on
workbook... but this workbook is opened together with other workbook
for analysis.

Part of my function is as follows:
If LowestRate > Cells(rngStart.Row, lngCol).value Then
LowestRate = Cells(rngStart.Row, lngCol).value

And I perform within my workbook, =search_lowest(O11,2) where the dat
to be search is from O11 to the last column.

Everytime I opened a new workbook, it seems that the reference goes t
a new workbook's O11 to last column. How do I ensure that does no
happen? Do I specify the full path of the workbook, worksheet in m
module? If so, what is the syntax for that? Thanks.

Your Cells statements don't specify the sheet nor the workbook. When not
specified, VBA assumes the active sheet.

Fully clarify the Cells statement using a workbook or worksheet variable -
something like...

Dim wks as Worksheet

Set wks = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("XYZ")

If LowestRate > wks.Cells(rngStart.Row, lngCol).Value


Dim wkb as Workbook

Set wkb = ThisWorkbook

If LowestRate > wkb.Worksheets("XYZ").Cells(rngStart.Row, lngCol).Value

OR you can access the correct sheet by traveling up the object tree of your
rngStart variable

'rngStart.Parent = the worksheet the defined range is located in
If LowestRate > rngStart.Parent.Cells(rngStart.Row, lngCol).Value