ie1: For instance keyed in 11111111111 in the cell, endup displaying
Qns: How to display my desired data which is '11111111111'.
ie2: Intend to key '111,112,113....120' on cell, given 'pre-adjusted' column
and numbers continue on next row below and next. Given '111,112....120' taken
up 3rows and able to fill ideally,without the outcome shown ###### sign.
'Resize' column/row adviced, i just wanted the numbers to fill in my
pre-adjusted field
Qns: How to display my desired data which is '11111111111'.
ie2: Intend to key '111,112,113....120' on cell, given 'pre-adjusted' column
and numbers continue on next row below and next. Given '111,112....120' taken
up 3rows and able to fill ideally,without the outcome shown ###### sign.
'Resize' column/row adviced, i just wanted the numbers to fill in my
pre-adjusted field