How to Draw Lines directly on the form

  • Thread starter Thread starter RDub
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I have an external VB6 program that captures signatures from a touch pad by
drawing directly on the from or a VB picture box. It uses the VB Pset and
Line methods of the form and/or picture box object to do the actual drawing.

Is there any way to do this in access using either the Image control or on
an Access form itself? As far as I know in Access 2K neither of these
controls have these methods available. I realize I may still have problems
getting Access to play nice with the Active X control for the touch pad, but
unless I can actually draw the signature I am pretty much stuck using the
external VB program.

Ron W
I take it by the deafening silence that this is not possible. I thank you
all for considering the question.

Ron W
If you had searched these NG's via GoogleGRoups you would have found:
ImageClass has been replaced by the PictureBoxA97 project. A standard Image
control is wrapped within a class to allow the control to resemble the
standard Visual Basic PictureBox control. Simple drawing methods are
directly supported as is Text output with rotation. A handle to a Device
Context is exposed to allow the developer to use the full range of Graphic
API's. Also supports Screen Grabs, Copy to Clipboard and Save Image control
to a disk Bitmap file. Here is the Access 2000 version,

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

I am even dumber than that. I should have known that if it existed it would
have been something you would have played with. I should have searched you
website before posting. A quick look at your sample database looks very
promising. I am on deadline for a different project now, but will be back
on this one late July. I'll let you know how I make out.

You truly are "The Man"!

Ron W