how to drag the cell to assign numbers by skipping one row each ti

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in a1, enter 1
in a3, enter 2
in a5, enter 3
in a7, enter 4
this will leave a2,a4 and a6 blank.
high light a2:A7. DO NOT include a1 in the high lighted selection.
hover the mouse over the lower left corner of a7 until the mouse pointer
changes to a black cross. right click and hold...drag down as far as needed.

Enter 1 in cell A1.

Select A1 AND A2 and note the small black square at the lower right bottom
of the selection, hover the cursor over it and left click and hold, then
pull down.

Try this
in cell a1 key in 1, at A2 leave blank, at A3 key in2

select cells from A1 to A4 and then at the bottom right corner of the box,
the cursor will turn to a cross.

Drag down till you have the number of rows that you need.