I assume you mean folders when you mean directories and are not referencing
Active Directory objects. If that is so you can use a number of tools such
as the free dumpsec from Somarsoft or command line utilities such as
fileacl, xcacls, or xcacls.vbs. Note however that the output you get will
not take into account group nesting such as when you add a global group to a
local group on a domain computer and assign permissions to the local group.
Also "special permissions" seen in the advanced page of security properties
for a folder are often not displayed in an understandable state on some of
these utilities. Xcacls.vbs has the most understandable output I have seen
for folder/file permissions. Just FYI users have "permissions" to access
folders/registry keys or not. "Rights" usually refer to user rights or
privileges which a task that a user can do on the computer such as logon
locally or change the system time as shown in Local Security Policy/local
policies/user rights. --- Steve
http://www.somarsoft.com/ --- Dumpsec
http://www.gbordier.com/gbtools/fileacl.htm -- fileacl
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;825751 ---