how to distribute license for COM control over web


Laszlo Szijarto

I am using third-party controls for image display. It's the COM version of
LeadTools. Depending on what I need, it may create various interop .dlls.
These Interop .dlls, however don't seem to work over the web. Does the COM
component need to be installed on the end-user's machine before these will
work? I need also to distribute a runtime license with this application.
How do I do that over the web. I intend to embed these in a web page using
a WebUserControl. Is there anything special I need to do if I'm running on
a non-Microsoft web server (e.g., Apache on Linux) to distribute this app?

Thank you very much,

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


When using COM interop, you still need to install the original COM
component on whatever machine the call will be made on. In this case, you
have to make sure that the COM component (including the license) is
installed correctly. The interop library is nothing more than a bridge to
the original COM component.

As far as I know, there are no gotchas when using a non-Microsoft server
to serve up the content. You should be able to get over any hurdles (if
any) by adjusting the headers returned.

Hope this helps.

Laszlo Szijarto

Thank you, Nicholas,

Is there any way to automate this process over the web? Could I put the
stuff in a CAB, for example?

Thank you,

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