-----Original Message-----
Sigh. Not really.
Based on what you have said, I'm guessing that you want your users to be
able to select a random number of records for "viewing," then flag those
selected records as viewed and make them unavailable to other users.
Without knowing anything about your table structure, it's impossible to
get very specific. But one option might be to add a "Viewed" Yes/No
field in your base table, then create a user interface form to query the
table using the RND() function (assuming you're using A2K or later,
which you didn't specify). I'm visualizing something like (warning, air
SELECT Top Forms![YourForm]![RecordNum] YourField
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourTable.Viewed="No"
ORDER BY (Rnd([YourTable].[YourField]));
....with an Update Query in one of the form's Events (OnClose, maybe?)
that updates the Viewed field in the records selected to "Yes" after the
user has looked at them.
You can read more about the RND() function in the MS KB
The users will key in how many records they want to
view.Once the record is selected for view it is not
selected again by any other user or by the same user.All
the users will access the same table
Hope i have cleared the requirement