Hi F Indome:
It's (usually) executed with Javascript, an example follows:
<script language="JavaScript">
// Written by SHOF
// Copyright 1999
var now = new Date();
var month = now.getMonth();
var date = now.getDate();
var year = now.getYear();
var monthname;
if (month == 0) monthname = "January";
if (month == 1) monthname = "February";
if (month == 2) monthname = "March";
if (month == 3) monthname = "April";
if (month == 4) monthname = "May";
if (month == 5) monthname = "June";
if (month == 6) monthname = "July";
if (month == 7) monthname = "August";
if (month == 8) monthname = "September";
if (month == 9) monthname = "October";
if (month == 10) monthname = "November";
if (month == 11) monthname = "December";
var yearname;
if (year == 2003) yearname = "2003";
if (year == 2004) yearname = "2004";
if (year == 2005) yearname = "2005";
document.write('<font face="verdana" size="1"><b>');
document.write("- " +monthname+ " " +date+ ", " +yearname+ " -");
Copy & paste the above code where you want the date information to
Good luck
Tom G, Sr.
I'm using FP 2002 and would like to place the current system date on a web
page instead of when the page was modified. Would appreciate any help/tips
on how to do this.
Name: T. & D. Gregor, Sr.
E-Mail: (e-mail address removed)
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