How to display OS Name in short name ?

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How to display OS Name in short Name eg Win Vista SP1
Win XP
2003 SP2

Tee ET

For XP,
You can you can manually define them in nested if-then blocks like the

' --------Begin Code-----------

'Check and get full OSName
If My.Computer.Info.OSFullName.ToString = _
"Microsoft Windows XP Professional" Then
'Check and get service pack version
If Environment.OSVersion.ServicePack.ToString = _
"Service Pack 2" Then
MsgBox("Win XP SP2")
End If
ElseIf My.Computer.Info.OSFullName.ToString = _
"Microsoft Windows XP Professional" Then
'Assuming no or other Service Packs are installed
' plus only XP is installed
MsgBox("Win XP")
End If

'.....Reproduce same for Vista

' ------End Code-----------

Or you can use substring method to fit OSName/SPVersion output to what
you desire.

Hope this helps,

Onur Güzel
My way of getting a proper OS version string + SP number:

Function GetOSVersion() As String
Dim os As OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion
Dim displayName As String = "Win "
Dim origSp As String = os.ServicePack

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(origSp) Then
origSp = ""
origSp = origSp.Replace("Service Pack", "").Trim()
End If

Select Case os.Platform
Case PlatformID.Win32Windows ' 95, 98, ME
Select Case os.Version.Minor
Case 0 : displayName &= "95"
Case 10
displayName &= "98"

If os.Version.Revision.ToString() = "2222A" Then
displayName &= " SE"
End If
Case 90 : displayName &= "ME"
End Select

Case PlatformID.Win32NT
Select Case os.Version.Major
Case 3 : displayName &= "NT 3.51"
Case 4 : displayName &= "NT 4"
Case 5
Select Case os.Version.Minor
Case 0 : displayName &= "2000"
Case 1 : displayName &= "XP"
Case 2 : displayName &= "2003"
End Select
Case 6 : displayName &= "Vista"
Case 7 : displayName &= "7"

End Select
End Select

If origSp.Length > 0 AndAlso origSp <> "0" Then
displayName &= " SP" & origSp
End If

Return displayName.Trim()
End Function

Best Regards,
Stanimir Stoyanov |
engteng said:
How to display OS Name in short Name eg Win Vista SP1
Win XP
2003 SP2

These short names are not defined by Microsoft. Microsoft uses (for legal
reasons, I assume) only the complete names of their products.