Access 2003
Default Value: Date()
In a form I have this code which works well. However, I need to display only
year in txtbox. Could you help me how to do it?
Private Sub bAddYear_Click()
Select Case Me.fraOptions.Value
Case Is = 1
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [txtStart])
Case Is = 2
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 5, [txtStart])
Case Is = 3
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 10, [txtStart])
End Select
End Sub
Access 2003
Default Value: Date()
In a form I have this code which works well. However, I need to display only
year in txtbox. Could you help me how to do it?
Private Sub bAddYear_Click()
Select Case Me.fraOptions.Value
Case Is = 1
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [txtStart])
Case Is = 2
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 5, [txtStart])
Case Is = 3
Me.txtStart.Value = DateAdd("yyyy", 10, [txtStart])
End Select
End Sub