How to display from address in outgoing message.



I have several email accounts. It only makes sense that I can see which
email address I am sending from in the From: field of the message
composer. However, the from address is not put in the From: field
when that field is requested to show up in the View menu item.

How can I get Outlook to accomplish this basic task.



What version of Outlook are you using? Recent versions have an "infobar" at
the top of the address fields that will show you which e-mail address the
message will be sent from if you choose one from the Accounts dropdown box on
the toolbar.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Version 2003 SP1.
The account tab in the infobar at the top does not provide the email
address, just what account name.

Actually, my question/request is not related directly to that, but to the
need to have my from address show up in the outgoing email composer. Is that
If not, it surely should be.



So you don't know which account name corresponds to which e-mail address?
(I'm not trying to be rude, just asking). You will only see the account name
in the infobar, so I'd suggest you change your account names to make them
more descriptive -- you should even be able to change them to the e-mail
address so there's never any doubt.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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