Hi Mike,
Thank you for your post.
The simplest way to display rss feeds on your ASP.NET website is using the
new Data Source control XmlDataSource, for example:
<asp:XmlDataSource id="XmlDataSource1" DataFile="msdn.xml"
XPath="rss/channel/item" runat="server" />

ataList id="DataList1" runat="server" DataSourceId="XmlDataSource1">
<b><%# XPath("pubDate") %> - <%# XPath("title") %> </b>
<%# XPath("description") %>

Also, you may take a look at following article which describes how to
create a User Control to display rss feeds:
#Coding4Fun: A Simple RSS Feed
Hope this helps. If anything is unclear, please feel free to post here.
Walter Wang
Microsoft Online Community Support
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