The best way I have found is this. Put a Image in your worksheet. and name
it Please Wait or whatever. the run this code. The way I usually do it is
I create a Userform with all the stuff I want the I take a screenshot and
paste it in my worksheet.
Dim MySel As Object
Sub Show_Please_Wait()
On Error Resume Next
Dim VR As Range, MyShape As Shape
Set VR = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
Set MyShape = Sheet1.Shapes("PleaseWait")
Set MySel = Selection
T = VR.Top + VR.Height / 2 - MyShape.Height / 2
L = VR.Left + VR.Width / 2 - MyShape.Width / 2
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("PleaseWait")
.Top = T
.Left = L
End With
VR.Resize(1, 1).Select
End Sub
Sub Hide_Please_Wait()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub