How to Disable Visual Themes?


Chris Dove

How do I disable visual themes in XP..

I've tracked down a problem in IE to this and need to disable them.



Tom Porterfield

Chris said:
How do I disable visual themes in XP..

I've tracked down a problem in IE to this and need to disable them.

If you just want to do this for IE, in Internet Explorer select Tools,
Internet Options and go to the Advanced tab. Under browsing remove the
check from "Enable visual styles from buttons and controls in web pages" and
click Apply.

If you want do disable visual themes for all of Windows, right click on the
desktop and select Properties. Go to the Appearance tab and change the
selection under Windows and buttons to Windows Classic style. Apply the
Tom Porterfield
MS-MVP Windows

Please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup only.

Chris Dove

Perfect.. Worked a treat..

I actually looked in the advanced tab, but obviously not hard enough!

Thanks Tom

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