How to disable USB driver....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bigguy
  • Start date Start date



I have a problem with a Compact Flash card reader and Win XP Pro (all SPs +

The drivers for the CF reader are causing XP to reboot... here's what

Plugin CF reader, a short pause, PC reboots.

It used to work with this PC before and its till works on my work PC and my

Problem is the PC reboots before I can go to device manager and
remove/change the CF reader's drivers...

I tried booting in safe mode (this should prevent CF reader drivers from
loading?) but it still reboots on plugging in the CF reader....

I don't know how to approach this problem - or which drivers are the problem
and where they are located - I thought if I could identify the drivers I
could rename/delete them?

Is there a way to make PC redetect USB devices and disassociate them from
their installed drivers so I can reload different drivers.... can't update
drivers as PC reboots immediately....

Is there a reg key I could delete?


First, disable an Automatic restart in case of system failure (System
Properties/Advanced/Startup and Recovery Settings) and get a STOP number.
Second, test any other USB device.
Third, if a reader doesn't use generic USB drivers then just dig in
system32\drivers. Explorer status line provides a driver description.
Fourth, drill down to HKLM\SYSTEM\CCS\Enum\USB and or USBSTOR, find your
device ClassGUID, delete/edit the keys etc.