I have ATi R9500Pro videocard and ASUS motherboard with nforce2 chipset.
Every 3D game I can play for max. 2 mins and then it kicks me out to desktop!
Fastwrite and AGP 8X are disabled in BIOS but I can't disable SBA anyhow!
In old versions of Catalys drivers that was possible through ATi Control Panela but newer versions don't have
that option!
I have tried with Powerstrip and RivaTuner but with no success!
Every 3D game I can play for max. 2 mins and then it kicks me out to desktop!
Fastwrite and AGP 8X are disabled in BIOS but I can't disable SBA anyhow!
In old versions of Catalys drivers that was possible through ATi Control Panela but newer versions don't have
that option!
I have tried with Powerstrip and RivaTuner but with no success!