How to disable additional printer installation.


Frank Church

Windows XP tends to redetect printers and add them over and over again,
resulting in many duplicates of the same printer name.

Is there a way to disable detection of new printers, or revert to the
original printer if it is unplugged and reinserted?

I would also like to disable addition of printers altogether, unless the
admin enables to allow printers to be installed, even for Administrator

Is there some way to do this?



Best approach to this type of problem is to delete printer completely and
then reinstall.

Frank Church

Unknown said:
Best approach to this type of problem is to delete printer completely and
then reinstall.

I think you misunderstood my question, I want any automatic printer
detection to fail unless enabled by the administrator. I don't want the
same printer to be detected again for Windows to show Printer Name(Copy
1), Printer Name(Copy 2) etc.

The settings get messed up when the printer the original printers are
deleted etc.



Sorry! You are correct, I misunderstood your post and, I don't know how to
do what you wish..

Frank Church

Frank said:
I think you misunderstood my question, I want any automatic printer
detection to fail unless enabled by the administrator. I don't want the
same printer to be detected again for Windows to show Printer Name(Copy
1), Printer Name(Copy 2) etc.

The settings get messed up when the printer the original printers are
deleted etc.


Any more ideas?

Bob I

Frank said:
Any more ideas?

Perhaps "Devices prevent users from installing printer drivers"?

GPEDIT, Local computer policy, Computer configuration, Windows settings,
Security Options.

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