How to "disable" add and delete button on toolbar


Troy Bull

I have a simple application, that I use the built in navigation bar. I
set the add and delete buttons enabled property to false, and it looks
good, until.. Once I click on the arrow to navigate to a different
record these two buttons re-enable. I have the save button enable set
to false and it seems to stay. Just these two buttons (add and delete)
re-enable themselves.

If anyone could shed some light on this i would really appreciate the help.


Peter Duniho

I have a simple application, that I use the built in navigation bar. I
set the add and delete buttons enabled property to false, and it looks
good, until.. Once I click on the arrow to navigate to a different
record these two buttons re-enable. I have the save button enable set
to false and it seems to stay. Just these two buttons (add and delete)
re-enable themselves.

Well, you didn't post any code. So it's impossible for anyone to say.
However, controls don't just enable themselves. So it seems that your
code that enables the buttons is being called when you don't expect it
to. Set a breakpoint there and find out why.

If you do decide to post some code, so that someone can provide a more
useful response, be sure to post only a concise-but-complete example of
code that reliably reproduces the problem. Usually in creating such a
minimal reproducible case, you will discover what it is you did to cause
the bug, but even if not it means that code you post will actually be read
by someone and could even be compiled if they wanted to.


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