I need to
1. test to see if all records have a child record for the matching month/year
2. if there are records that don't exist, create the ones that don't exist.
Parent Table = LocationExceptions
Child table = ExceptionData (contains an amount, month, year for each
Issue is that if there is a NEW exception, I can run a query and easily find
that there is a "null" exception ID, and create the record. However, I can't
figure out how to determine if there is and exception ID that has a missing
MONTH/YEAR record.
Example: new exception created in May, exception data has already been keyed
for May, need to create a new ExceptionData record for May/2009. This I
accomplished by finding the Null Exception Id in a Left Join.
But, tried to do the APRIL set for the same thing and it won't work because
now there is no "null" value for that exception (ie. there is now a record
for that exception although it is for MAY).
1. test to see if all records have a child record for the matching month/year
2. if there are records that don't exist, create the ones that don't exist.
Parent Table = LocationExceptions
Child table = ExceptionData (contains an amount, month, year for each
Issue is that if there is a NEW exception, I can run a query and easily find
that there is a "null" exception ID, and create the record. However, I can't
figure out how to determine if there is and exception ID that has a missing
MONTH/YEAR record.
Example: new exception created in May, exception data has already been keyed
for May, need to create a new ExceptionData record for May/2009. This I
accomplished by finding the Null Exception Id in a Left Join.
But, tried to do the APRIL set for the same thing and it won't work because
now there is no "null" value for that exception (ie. there is now a record
for that exception although it is for MAY).